Specialised Fire Safety Systems to Safeguard Every Commercial Building
With a team of licensed mobile service tradespeople within close proximity to your site, you can rest assured that when you need help Prime Pumps is ready. Specialising in pumping systems for stormwater, sewer, irrigation, pressure boosting, HVAC and pumping control systems, our cross-trained and enthusiastic staff have always have your best interests and satisfaction in mind.
With years of experience in pump system maintenance and repairs, solving nuisance pumping problems and complete pumping system upgrades, there is no job too big or too small that we cannot provide a solution to, using our own qualified staff. We set the benchmark for the highest quality and the best customer service.
Our offering
Pumpcheck proactive preventative maintenance for building services pumps
Fully equipped mobile workshops able to respond to any urgent service request
National Restricted Electrical Licensed (NREL) service technicians who are trained to solve both electrical and mechanical faults, avoiding the need for several different technicians to visit your site.
Containerised Pumpsets
Trained personnel and specialised equipment to facilitate removal, installation and repair of all building services pumps and drivers.
Confined space trained technicians to ensure that submersible pumps are serviced and repaired in accordance with all current WHS requirements
Company AS/NZS 4801 accreditation for Workplace Health & Safety
Pumping system engineers able to design and supply new pumping systems for all applications
PLC system integration and support through qualified Prime Pumps staff
Licensed Plumbing and Electrical Contractors License #113216C
Prime Pumps has $50M Public Liability insurance cover
Have a question? We’re here to help…
To discuss your requirements or for all questions please contact us